29th International Festival of fashion and photography, Hyères 2014
festival from April 25 – 28
exhibitions until May 25
More info here and photos you find here.
„The fashion jury, presided over this year by Carol Lim and Humberto Leon, creative directors of KENZO, met in Paris on the 22nd of January in order to choose the 10 candidates for the final competition
(more than 312 entries received from 55 nationalities and 45 shortlisted).
The members of the jury are:
Maurizio Cattelan, artist
Pamela Golbin, general curator, fashion and textile, Les Arts Décoratifs
Spike Jonze, film director
Jay Massacret, fashion director of V and Vman
Jaime Perlman, creative director, British Vogue
Chloé Sevigny, actrice
Carol Song, head buyer at Opening Ceremony
Eric Wilson, fashion news director, american InStyle
The photography jury,
presided over this year by English photographer Steve Hiett met in Paris on the 30th of January in order to choose the 10 shortlisted photographers
(more than 743 entries received from 45 nationalities and
60 shortlisted).
The jury consisted of:
Manish Arora, fashion designer, New Dehli | Paris
Damien Poulain, creative director and publisher, Oodee, London
Cathy Rémy, deputy photography director, Le Monde M, Paris
Brett Rogers, director, The Photographers’ Gallery, London
Oliver Sieber, photographer, Dusseldorf “
thE 29th EDition oF thE intErnationaL FEstivaL oF Fashion anD PhotograPhY at hYèrEs WiLL takE PLacE at thE viLLa noaiLLEs BEtWEEn thE 25th anD thE 28thoF aPriL, 2014. thE ExhiBitions WiLL rUn UntiL thE 25th oF MaY.thE FEstivaL, DirEctED BY JEan-PiErrE BLanc anD PrEsiDED ovEr BY DiDiEr grUMBach, annUaLLY EncoUragEs anD sUPPorts YoUng artists in thE FiELDs oF Fashion anD PhotograPhY. thanks to thE sUPPort oF thE FEstivaL’s PartnErs, sEvEraL PrizEs WiLL BE aWarDED to thE coMPEting YoUng artists